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2022-06-26 15:50:03 投稿作者:网友投稿 点击:




  新《大学英语教学大纲》对大学英语高级阶段写作能力有如下要求:“能在阅读难度与课文相仿的书面材料时做笔记,回答问题,写提纲和摘要,能在半小时内就一定的话题,提纲,表格或图示写出 180-200 词的短文,能写报告、评论、发言稿和日常应用文等,内容完整,文理通顺,表达思想清楚。”根据这一要求,国家教育部又限定了大学英语四、六级考试以 6 分为最低作文分数及格线,给予作文对考试成绩特有的单项否决权。这一规定与要求对本来就惧怕英文写作的考生增加了更大的难度,对应试者的考前准备,特别是心理准备产生了巨大的压力。过去,许多考生曾寄希望于“作文损失,别的补”。现在,这种想法已行不通了。由此可见,英语写作已成为应试者最大的心理负担之一。为了帮助考生克服这一心理负担,找到行之有效的应试方法与技巧,本章集中介绍了①短文写作的命题形式与评分标准;②常考文体形式与要点;③基本写作方式与技巧;④范文选读。

  C 短文写作的基本方法与技巧


  文章如何开头至关重要。文章的开头要开门见山,直接切入主题,切忌说了一大堆话还没有 涉及到主题的现象,让读者读了你开头的文章还不知道你想要说的是什么。尤其在写议论文 时,更要注意。

 1.以提问式开头 以提问的方式直接引出主题或论点。


 (1998 年 6 月六级作文真题) Do “Lucky numbers” really bring good luck?My answer is NO. One’s good luck is

 not brought by lucky numberrs but dilligence.Only through hard work,determinatio


 (1997 年 12 月六级作文真题

 How to do away with fake commodities then?The first thing for the government to

 do is to root out the loeal protectionism in China.In the meanwhile,fair competi tion must be enforced by law upon all the businesses,in which light,if one busin ess takes unfair advantage of its customers,it will lose to competing business w


 What does one live for?—An appealing but puzzling question that often haunts mo st college students.To turn it off,some are resolved to pursue the goal of perfe ction in their own lines,some are already in pursuit of pleasure each day offers ,and some of the others are about to suit their pursuits to changing conditions.

 My pursuit,upon which my life has centred since childhood,is simply comprised of

 three key elements:in most passion for love,great zeal for knowledge,and intense

 longing for the rise of o


 例 1.Is Failurs a Bad Thing? Failure is unvoidable in our daily life though we all long for success in everyt hing we do.People’s attitudes towards failure,however,vary greatly from person t

 例 2.Reading Selectively or Extensively? (1999 年 6 月四、六级作文真题

 Along with the arrival of the knowledye economy age,knowledge is being renewed a t a higher speed than ever before,and books on a variety of new subjects are bri nging greater effects on our study and work.Facing more and more books,however,p eople show quite different attitudes towards how to read effectively and effici


 (1996 年 6 月四级作文真题

 As is widely known through the news from TV and newspapers,much of Africa is goi ng thirsty.But few people are clearly aware of the fact that the shortage of fre sh water is globally spread and is coming close to almost everyone’s life.


 例 1.Generation Gap With the increase of pace in modern society,the tastes and thoughts of young gen eration seem to be less and less in common with those of the old.Young people lo ng for parents to understand their interpretation of the changes in social reali ty while parents hope their experience that the youth learn more from the tradit ional beliefs.Then,it is easy to see that how to bridge the young and the old li

 例 2.Should Cloning Be Encouraged? In my opinion,now that it is impossible to reverse knowledge,human beings should

 take a wiser step to determine and control the direction of the cloning

 例 3.Reading Selectively or Extensively?

 (1999 年 6 月四、六级作文真题) Knowledge is power.Everybody knows it.The main way for us students to gain knowle dge is from the books.So some students argue that we should read extensively in

 order to know something about everything,thus broadening our knowledge and enr


 例 1.Patriotic Education If taken seriously,patriotic education can be found in its own practical and im mediate significance.Through patriotic education,people are able to know more ab out our nation yesterday,half glorious and half shameful,thus resolving to preve


 (1999 年 1 月四、六级作文真题) If something destructive to larger interests may come of what we are asked to d o for

 例 3.Is the Ability to Express Yourself Important?

 If you work as a gardener,of course,not much skill in expressing yourself to be

 effective.If you work on a machine,your ability to express yourself will be of l ittle importance.But as soon as you move one step up from the bottom...


  主题段落通常指的是“三段式”作文的中间部分,即 body。在这部分里,作者主要通过摆事 实,讲道理,进行详细论证,说明(理由或原因)列举(具体事例)的过程,因此,这部分写的 如何关系到全文的成败与否。


 1. 演绎法

 演绎法是由一般到具体的思维方法。这种方法在四、六级短文写作中表现为在短文段首以主 题句(Topic Sentence)的形式出现。主题句提出带概括性的原理,定义,观点和结论,然后 通过具体的叙述,说明,举例使主题句变得具体,明白,易懂,从而使主题句提出的观点, 主张得到论证和实现。这种方法在四、六级作文写作中极为普遍,其表现形式如下:



 Fake commodities affect our life in many aspects.(Topic sentence) To

 begin with,they may turn out to be a threat to our lives,as is confirmed in the

 news that a couple’s dream of owning an electric bathing heater ended up by kill ing the husband (例证 1).They also give rise to unfair competition,which in turn

 throws many original businesses into a commercial panic(例证 2).And above all,the y lead the whole society to seek dishonesty in making a fortune(例证3).Obviously ,it is high time that the fake commodities were eliminated from our life(结论)。


 Many factors contribute to my intense foundness for reading,but three of

 them seem to stand out (Topic sentence).To begin with,reading feeds me w ith pleasure and satisfaction.By reading,I can tour about any place of science a nd historical interest without having to suffer the extremes of cold and heat,or

 run into romance without having to worry about unsteadness of my emotion or bri ng to light secrets of others without having to quicken my concience,or...(理由 1 及细节)In addition,from good reading I have derived the trick of fighting loneli ness.Whenever I am left alone or feel lonely,I always have a good book on hand t

 o bring me friendship,sympathy and encouragement(理由 2 及细节).And best of all, systematic reading is more than likely to lay a solid foundation for my success. S ince such books record all the experience of human failure and success,I can fol low correct path and avoid courting unnecessary failure(理由

 2. 归纳法

 归纳法和演绎法相反,它是把一个个事例归纳成一个共同的结论(原因,理由,观点,定义 等)其特点是从个别到一般。在短文写作中,其表现形式为先列举具体的事例进行分析,说 明,进而得出论证或结论,在段末往往以主题句的形式表现出来。其表现形式如下:

 In the course of one’s English study,for instance,there is so much for him to le arn,such as new words,grammar rules and culture background.It is often a great h eadache to master a wealth of such stuff.The best way he first and foremost take s,however,is to practice and practice as much as possible.He has to read a lot,m emorize a lot,speak a lot and write a lot.Only through practice will he be

 able to perfect himself in English.

 文章以英语学习为例,抓住需要学习和掌握的知识点极多这一关键问题,提出学好英语的最 佳途径应是练习,紧扣文章的主题用具体事例展开说明,从而得出结论:只有通过这样的 练习,他才能够使自己精通英语。


  文章的开头和结尾在文章的总体结构上处于同等重要的位置。开好头能够吸引读者,而结尾 好能够概括全文,给读者以美的享受。写好结尾应注意语言的简洁,有力,具有概括性; 首尾一致,前后呼应,融为一体,写好尾段的常用方法有:

 1. 改变表达式,重述原文主题( ( 句) )

 例 1 主题句:Patriotic education can be found its own practical and immedia

 结尾句:In a word,patriotic education is the first and foremest way to foster ou

 例 2 主题句:

 结尾句:If this situation is allowed to drift in its direction,our government wi ll lose not only material wealth but also cosistent support from the

 2. 回答提出的问题或给出解决问题的建议或方法

 例 1 主题句:

 结尾段:In my opinion,in addition to population control,we should do our best to

 solve the contradiction between water resources and industrial development,prev ent factories from pouring pollutants into rivers,and encourage industries to re cycle water in production.And more important,we should persuade more people to v avlue the limited fresh water and enforce more factories to economize on water r

 3. 小结

 本文介绍了一些写短文的基本技巧与方法。掌握正确的写作方法与技巧固然重要,但若没 有实践,不亲自动笔写一写,不亲自尝一尝梨子的滋味,你永远写不出好的文章来。写作的 关键是打好语言基础,过好词法、语法关。这就要求我们在平时的学习过程中加强基本功 的训练,把词的用法,句子结构,常用过渡词语弄懂,记熟,从而提高写的能力。另外,对 于好的范文要背诵下来,并按照别人的写作风格进行模仿写作,以此山之石攻它山之玉。下 面介绍十篇历年四、六级英语作文的范文供大家参考,以仿效之。

推荐访问:命题 写作 预测
